
Showing posts from September, 2017

Vitamin E use for self care

5 ways to use vitamin E  Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin which is a combination of tocopherols and tocotrienols. It is an antioxidant. It helps to slow down the process of cell damage. Vitamin e fight age spots, wrinkles, fine lines and many other age-related signs on body and face. It also increases immunity level and reduces cholesterol. Other than intake it can be used for our skin and hair care. Some of the best self-care ways to use Vitamin E are:                                          1. Vitamin E as a toner:        To make a toner by using vitamin E is a very and effective task. To make toner you just need 2 capsules of vitamin e, rose water and an empty container to store. Mix rose water and 2 capsules in the empty container, shake it well and your toner is ready to use. The main advant...

some good habits are myths

Quit these habits if you love yourself 1.  Bottled water :       This is surprising but actually plastic bottles we buy contains many chemicals which leach into our water and very harmful. Bottle marked with the plastic code "7" is made of hard plastic. Avery good alternative of this is to drink from filter taps, it cost low and better for health. 2. Doing the same workout everyday :   When it comes to   workout you mostly get stick yourself to one or two types of exercise. By doing the same exercise your body gets used to it and muscles get familiar with that motion. Changing the workout routine daily will increase body endurance and make your workout sessions more interesting.When you switch your body work a little harder to keep in pace, which helps to burn more calories.    3. Low-fat food :                  In order to lose mor...

5 Don't for a happy life

Life is good  1. Don't try to win every argument:                     It is not always necessary to will all the arguments. you will always meet people with the different opinions but that doesn't mean they are wrong. Always try to listen carefully before enforcing your ideas on others. sometimes you are in a very friendly discussion at that time its okay to debate but rest of the time you are just wasting your time and energy in a useless conversation and it is a fact that you can't win an argument with a negative person. You will not even realize that you have unknowingly developed a bad habit of arguing without any topic.  2. Don't compare your life with others:         People compare themselves with others on the basis of an infinite number of categories. It may be job, salary, height, love life, money, house size so on. but actual...

Rate your risk taking limits and test yourself

     โžค Rate your limits  ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Add up the things you have done and score yourself for how much adventurous you are. adventures are all about willing to do something new which adds excitement to your life. right after doing any risk taking activity or sports person feels more confident and get inspired to do something new.    .     1.  Solo trip               โ†” 5 points 2. Donated blood        โ†”   5 points 3. Get tattooed            โ†”  2 point 4. Fallen in love          โ†”   2points 5. Run  marathon          โ†”   2 points  6. Tracking without       โ†”  5 points     guide 7. Archived your         โ†”   2 points       ideal weight 8. Get a pet         ...

Awesome facts about human body

A WESOME FACTS  ๐Ÿ˜ฒ   1. When you blush, your stomach also turns red. 2. You can always see your nose but your brain ignores it. 3. Bones are 4 times stronger than concrete. 4. The tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body. 5. Hair is made up of the same substance as fingernails. 6. The attachment of human muscles to skin is what cause dimples. 7. The total weight of bacteria in a human body is 2kgs. 8. Your blood has the same amount of salt in it as in an ocean 9.  The human eye can distinguish 10 million different colors. 10. 80%  of human brain is water.