5 Don't for a happy life

Life is good 

1. Don't try to win every argument: 
         It is not always necessary to will all the arguments. you will always meet people with the different opinions but that doesn't mean they are wrong. Always try to listen carefully before enforcing your ideas on others. sometimes you are in a very friendly discussion at that time its okay to debate but rest of the time you are just wasting your time and energy in a useless conversation and it is a fact that you can't win an argument with a negative person. You will not even realize that you have unknowingly developed a bad habit of arguing without any topic. 

2. Don't compare your life with others:

        People compare themselves with others on the basis of an infinite number of categories. It may be job, salary, height, love life, money, house size so on. but actually, it is very unfair and useless at the same time. The comparison is typically done on the worst we know about ourselves. It will just demotivate and you lose self-respect, self-pride, and dignity, it is worst than you think. Just love your life and work for better tomorrow.

3. Don't spoil your inner soul by hating someone :

      Hating someone is like burning down your own. In any situation forgiveness is the best possible thing you should do. it is as simple as that 
"why to punish yourself for others mistakes. "
 Don't waste your little time on earth by just hating others. Forgiveness is the key to your inner soul peace and happiness. Forgive everyone and everything.

4. Don't judge anyone:  

  It is easier to see wrong in someone else lives than to see in own life. Your judgment can hurt someone's pride and self-respect. like you everyone has their own life, decisions, experiences according to which they react, speak and behave. You should be mature enough to understand that we are actually on one to judge others. 

"Be so busy improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others. "

It is your life don't complicate it by thinking about others, just make it easy and peaceful by just working on yourself. 

5. Don't take yourself too seriously:

learn to laugh at yourself. No one is perfect and it is okay to make mistakes. Life is not about being perfect it is about living.You should be mature enough to laugh at your own mistakes as well. It will just help us to navigate ups and downs of life a bit easier.

"Every time you find humor in a difficult situation you win."

Be down to earth and enjoy life just the way it is. It is not about laughing at the serious aspects of life, but most of the time life can be easy by just smiling at difficult situations 

written by  Tashu


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